Deer Season Phases: How to Change up Tactics in the Tree Stand
In order to be successful in your hunt, you need to know what you're doing. You need your tree hunt to be in the right place or you may not be able to get the game that you want. If you do the hard work now – learning of where to place your stand and getting out there and putting that knowledge to use – you will be ready to hunt whatever game you want from day one until the very last day of the hunting season.
Early Season: How to Set Up Your Tree Stand
For the very first few weeks of the season, you are going to want to hunt in the edges of the fields. You need to stay as concealed as possible early on. You need a deer stand that is going to be very easy for you to access. You need to also set up your stand so it is in favor of the wind or else you won't get that great shot that you're looking for.
Rut Season: Best Locations for Your Tree Stand
Your tree stand needs to be in a location where you can see the bucks in between their feeding and sleeping areas. You want to look for funnels and pinches, as these are the best areas for you to catch that game as they are moving from their sleeping areas to their feeding locations and vice versa. Don't forget to place your stand in an area where you can see and shoot in any direction because deer can be unpredictable at this time of year. Remember, you're going to be sitting in your tree stand all day. It's no longer just a morning or evening thing.
Late Season: Where to Place Your Tree Stand
During the late season, your tree stand definitely needs to be elevated. It also needs to be near the food because this is where the deer will spend a lot of their time. The cold weather can be extremely brutal so you may want to consider a blind that is enclosed. Plus, this will help keep your scent concealed from the deer. Keeping your scent concealed is crucial during this time of the year, so make sure that your scent isn't going to be blown in the direction of the deer by the current wind.
These are just general and basic tips for the best place for your tree stand from early to late season. Make sure that your tree stand is set up early, properly and safely.